I know, I know, it's been far too long! My sweet friend Marcy nominated me to participate in a blog hop and I have to answer four questions and share with you a project:) Actually the project is a bonus, but it did inspire me to create, thank you Marcy! Make sure you check out Marcy's amazing work while you're out there hopping today:)
1. What are you working on right now?
To be honest, not much in the stamping world. I am motivated though to get caught up on my MDS scrapbooking! I NEED to scrapbook all the amazing experiences we are having over here in Australia. I also have a "to do" list of Christmas gifts I need to get started on... some packages of thank you and birthday cards! So I "will" be working on them in the very near future:)
2. How does my work differ from others in my genre?
Hmmm..... tricky question.... I'm not sure I'm different, but I can say I'm pretty diverse. I like to create cute, fun, whimsical, retro, vintage, practical, silly.... you name it, so if there's a need to create I try and do it! I don't think I fit a mold.
3. Why do I create what I do?
I have two main reasons why I create. The first is to meet a need.... that can be a need for a project, the need to create and the need to explore. The second is to share. I love to share my creations and ideas!
4. How does my creative process work?
I often start with the purpose.... what am I creating? Next I pick my colours. Then stamps and lastly embellishments. I don't usually do sketches or follow a pattern, I just create and see where I end up.
Thanks again Marcy! And to celebrate a post, I've created a few pages for you:) Thanks for putting up with my absence. Hugs!
Sure have missed your stampin' & MDS posts!!
Posted by: Sharon Maranich | February 21, 2015 at 12:48 PM
So great to see a scrapbook page from you again and a great one at that! Love how the photo of your boy is in colour while the background is in grey, makes the photo pop.
Posted by: Jeanette | October 29, 2014 at 09:37 PM