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December 11, 2009



Pretty effective material, much thanks for your article. A great deal of effective info for me!

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I just wanted to say that I think you are so very talented! I found you through another blog that had made this polar bear card and said they had watched your video.


I really love your polar bears and would love to subscribe to your blog, but don't see where I can do that! can you help me?
[email protected]

Curt OBrien

Hey Heather! I just wanted to say that I think you are so very talented! I found you through another blog that had made this polar bear card and said they had watched your video. So I went searching and found it and then obviously found you. I have enjoyed your blog so much and can't believe that more people have not found you! I've listed you on my side panel of my blog in hopes that more people will come see you and your wonderful work. I'm just so impressed that with a new baby and family, you stil have time to share with us. Best, Curt


The most adorable card - I love it!


So cute and love the tutorial!!!


I love these Heather, they are so cute and the card is perfect! I am going to CASE these too, Thanks for the video.

Patti Lee

OMG - I just realized I posted my comment on the next section..........anyway....see the next section (sorry about that). Patti


Oh my Gosh Heather! This is sooo cute! I love the polar bears you created... or cased...:) it looks so wonderful! TFS

Heather B

OH MY GOSH!!! Those are TOO cute!! Love the polar bears, with those cute, cute faces!!
I'm jealous of your pj's by the fire... I'm heading off to a basketball tournament, so it's smelly, sweaty gyms for me this weekend!!
Enjoy a cozy night by the fire!

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